¿Interesado en ser voluntario en la despensa?
Food Sorting and Distribution
Food Sorting: Fridays from 10 am – noon. Involves unloading cars, lifting boxes, and placing items on shelves. Must be able to lift 15-20 pounds
Distribution: Fridays from 11:30-2:00, greeting families and helping them choose groceries
Grocery Carriers: Fridays from 11:30-1:30, assisting clients by carrying large grocery bags to their cars. Must be able to go up and down steps and carry 15-pound bags
Evening Distribution: Team-based distributions Friday evenings from 6:15-7:45, greeting families and helping them choose groceries
Pick-Ups: Pick-up “pop-up donations” of shelf-stable goods and deliver to pantry. Also be available as a back-up for regular weekly pick-ups on Tuesday and Friday
Unload deliveries from Second Harvest once a month (2nd Thurs.)
Public Relations
Pantry Ambassador: Represent the pantry and advocate for the pantry at local events
Fundraising & Pantry Support
Host an online fundraiser
Host a community fundraiser: Please email the pantry at pikefoodpantry@gmail.com if you would like to organize a fundraiser.
Assist with grant writing
Host a food drive: Please email the pantry at pikefoodpantry@gmail.com if you would like to host a food drive.
Program Development
Assist with development of Volunteer Orientation and Scheduling Program
Plan events recognizing the work of volunteers (appreciation dinners, picnics, potlucks, etc.)
Website: Assist with website development and maintenance
Contribute article(s) to online quarterly newsletter
Contribute article(s) to semi-annual hardcopy newsletter
Assist with social media: photos for Facebook, monitor Facebook page, answer Facebook messages and inquiries
Monthly Community Lunch
Assist with preparation and serving of food
Prepare and donate a dessert(s)
Assist with set-up and/or clean-up
We love young volunteers! We ask that volunteers under the age of 14 be accompanied by an adult.
Please complete the Volunteer Information Form below to get started!